All visitors staying at Nahkeeta Campsite do so upon acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
Terms and Conditions
Approved Recreation Vehicles only
Pets: Must be on leash at all times, picked up after, not left outside unattended.
Observe all campsite boundaries, marked by gravel roads.
No Firearms or Hunting
No open fires or fireworks, for purpose fire pits allowed, fully extinguish afrer use.
Area around camper must be kept tidy.
You are responsible for insulating your own water connection pipe with heat tape etc. during cold weather.
Damage to water/ electrical heads or meters may incur a charge.
No washing RVs or vehicles. Excess water usage will incur additional charge.
No Refunds
No illegal activities
No ATVs/ golf carts
No auto repairs on site unless approved by management.
No metal detectors/ digging
Sub leasing RV on site is not permitted
Maximum 2 adults/ 2 vehicles/ 2 dogs per RV (for monthly stays)
Please remain respectful of neighbors and keep noise to a minimum, particularly after dark. Domestic disturbance will not be tolerated.
Please be aware that Nahkeeta Campsite is a temporary residence site. If you do not pay your bill on time you will be asked to leave.
Nahkeeta Campsite LLC, it's Owners, Management and Officers are free from any liability and have no responsibility for any injury to persons/ pets or damage/ loss of personal property.
Nahkeeta Campsite LLC, it's Owners, Management and Officers reserve the right to evict any persons for behavior deemed detrimental to the campsite or visitors, or for failure to abide by Campsite Terms and Conditions.